Five Books With… Positive Sibling Dynamics

Hello hello and welcome or welcome back to my little bookish corner of the internet. Time for another installment of Five Books With… and today I’m going with books with positive sibling dynamics.

I know that when I was growing up, it was far too common to see books only full of negative sibling bonds, or without bonds entirely, and so now that my son is starting to branch into the YA sector, I’m pleased to see more positive ones demonstrated, not just in that genre, but in general; it’s a healthy thing to break away from. Not all sibling dynamics are great, sure, but we should erase the narrative that that is the favourable option.

So, here’s Five Books With… Positive Sibling Dynamics.

Amari and the Night Brothers
I adored this middle grade book back when I read it, and I’m so pleased to see it continuing to do well in the charts. It’s a brilliant book for multiple reasons, but one of the key important factors in it is the dedication, love and admiration that runs both ways between Amari and her brother Quinton. He has taught her so much, and she’s preared to do so much for the answers about where he is. This is one of those “it doesn’t matter how old you are” books; I can’t wait for the next installment in this series.

A more recent read, Lakesedge is another story that has its entire movement based around the dedication from one sibling to another. This time however, it’s the older sibling, Leta, who is determined to find answers for and keep safe her younger brother, Arien. She has been making sacrifies for him since before she even remembers, and the book shows this part of the story as well as their present. It’s a chilling, brilliant read.

Midnight’s Twins & A Gathering Midnight
If you’ve only read the first book so far – hear me out.
This is a great example because it shows the relationship changing and shifting, allowing for Fern’s perspective on her brother to grow as their relationship moves. They go from being very toxic to one another to being able to help each other see the best, and worst, qualities they each holding. Having to work together and rely on one another terrifies Fern at first, but it becomes the making of them as siblings, team-mates, and, most importantly, friends.

The Near Witch
“The wind is lonely and always looking for company.”
Lexi is fiercely protective of her younger sister Wren, and when the children of Near begin to go missing, she is constantly alert, desperate to protect her from whatever is bringing them to harm. A story full of the risks of supersition and the rewards of love, this less well known book by V. E. Schwab is well worth the time.

Sisters of the Lost Marsh
This was a very recent read for me, and I have to say it was one of the most beautiful and yet brutal books I’ve read. With a drunken, abusive father, the six sisters have learned to rely on one another, with the support of their grandmother, who is feminist enough to have annoyed the local village. We might see the focus largely on Willa’s search to find Grace, but we see how all of them band together in support of one another, throughout everything.

So there we are! I hope this has given you a few books to consider, if not put on your TBR. And, just so we’re clear: I convinced my brother he was adopted for at least the first ten years of his life on a regular basis. Love you, bro.


  1. I love this prompt, as like you say it’s nice to see books that portray relationships between siblings in a positive way. Amari and Night Brothers was so good and I really liked how Amari and her brother were so close and loyal to each other.


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