Book Review – Looking For Emily

Hello hello, and welcome or welcome back to my little bookish corner of the internet. Today I’m sharing my review of the middle grade novel, Looking For Emily.

When twelve-year-old Lily moves to the sleepy seaside town of Edge, she’s sure that nothing exciting is ever going to happen to her again. But when she stumbles upon a secret museum hidden in the middle of town, she realises that there might be more to her new home than meets the eye.

The Museum of Emily is filled with the belongings of one seemingly ordinary girl – a girl who, many years ago, disappeared from the town without a trace. With the help of her new friends Sam and Jay, Lily is determined to solve the mystery and find out who Emily was, why she disappeared and who has created the strange, hidden museum.

If you didn’t know, one of my book goals for 2024 is to pick at least one book from my TBR jar a month to read. This was my first pick of the year, and it was a great start to the challenge.

When Lily moves to Edge, she’s not impressed at all. A teacher sets her some ‘homework’ of making a friend, and she finds herself with not one, but two enthusiastic new friends. Together, the three of them embark on their search for answers: Who is Emily? Where has she gone? Why has someone made a museum out of her belongings?

The mystery itself is a brilliant one, with twists and turns ready to keep any adult gripped as well as a middle grade aged reader. It encapsulates so much more though; it’s a story about friendship, of finding yourself when you weren’t expecting to, and about the joy you might just find if you give yourself a chance. I loved following Lily and her friends across Edge and through their journey to search for answers, digging deep in that wonderful way that only children can.

The determination and resilience shows through in vivid detail. It’s a true joy to see Lily’s character develop through the story, and seeing her grow closer to her friends, united by Emily’s cause, without losing her stubborn streak is a wonderful thing. Give me all of the obstinate, headstrong girls. All. Of. Them.

Thanks for stopping by for this review today. Middle grade books are aimed at 9-12 year olds, but just like with any good book, there’s plenty in it for any age group. I highly recommend this for anyone who enjoys a good mystery, and addictive characters.


  1. A middle-grade mystery sounds like something fun and entertaining to read. Sometimes, I like to throw middle grade books into my TBR as a nice break from heavier books. I may have to check this one out. Thanks for sharing your review.

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