WWW Wednesday – 15th May 2024

Hello hello, and welcome or welcome back to my little bookish corner of the internet. Today I’m sharing a WWW Wednesday post, my first one of these for a while!

WWW Wednesday is a way of tracking recent reading habits by asking three simple questions:

  • What have you recently finished reading?
  • What are you currently reading?
  • What are you planning on reading next?

What have you recently finished reading?
This week I’ve finished two books, one that I read as an audiobook, and one that I read in a combination of audio and ebook. The first was How To Solve Your Own Murder, a cute out-in-the-country village murder with secrets aplenty; this made for really enjoyable, relaxing reading, and although this is a fairly recent release so it won’t be any time soon, it’s been suggested there will be more books to come in this series, which I’ll look forward to.

The book I read as a combination was Music of the Night, a Phantom of the Opera loose retelling with plenty of its own ideas. There was a magic in the music with this book, which was interesting, and no love triangle; I’ve always hated Raoul, so that was a good choice for me! It was, again, a very easy read, and while I don’t think I’ll go on to read the others in the series, I may well read it again somewhere down the line if I go down another Phantom rabbit hole.

What are you currently reading?
I’m feeling very indecisive at the moment and keep jumping between books, however, I am about halfway through Queen of the Tiles, a young adult murder mystery based around Scrabble, which is a really unique take. I’m really quite invested! I also don’t currently have any idea how, who or why, and I do love it when a mystery can keep me guessing. Maybe it’s a neurodivergent thing – I saw an article on that once – or maybe I’ve just read so many mysteries and thrillers that it takes a lot to surprise me these days, so any book that I have no clue about how it’s coming together is very satisfying. Full review to come soon.

What are you planning on reading next?
Our book club book this month is The Maiden, which is a fantastically immersive historical fiction inspired by real events. I suggested this one as I listened to the first few chapters as a NetGalley audiobook when it was in the build up to being released and thought it was superb, but I had a health flare and didn’t finish it. It’s going down well with the group so far though, and I’m absolutely ready to find out how it all comes together this time around!

Thanks for popping in for this blog post today. I’m back with three blog posts a week at the moment, and if you want to make sure you never miss another post, you can drop me a follow below for no cost and no spam!

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