WWW Wednesday – 5th June 2024

Hello hello, and welcome or welcome back to my little bookish corner of the internet. Today is the first Wednesday of the month, so I’m sharing a WWW Wednesday post.

WWW Wednesday is a way of reviewing and organising recent reading habits with three simple questions:

  • What have you recently finished reading?
  • What are you currently reading?
  • What are you planning on reading next?

What have you recently finished reading?
After a bit of a rocky reading month in May (read my full monthly wrap up here), June has started off pretty strong. I’ve finished five books so far this month, with another one likely to be finished today. As it stands, I’m four books behind where I need to be on track for my goal of 225 books this year… and I just might be able to claw it back. Here’s hoping!

Yesterday, I finished Killer Instinct, the second book in the young adult thriller series, The Naturals. This was described as Criminal Minds for young adult readers somewhere, and I think that’s a very fair description. A group of five teenagers have natural profiling skills, and are helping the FBI… but it could never be as simple as that, could it? With emotions tugging them in different directions, rules made to be broken, and a love triangle worming its way in, there’s plenty of action in these books. I love a good YA thriller, and these have really snapped me out of a reading slump!

What are you currently reading?
I’m reading two books at the moment. I have a physical ARC of Death At Morning House that I damn near SCREAMED at when I found it waiting for me, so a big thank you to HarperY360 for sending that my way. Inspired by true events and from the author Maureen Johnson, behind the brilliant Truly Devious series, this is a truly intriguing book, and I’m really looking forward to sharing my full review with you when I’m done. It’s out this summer, so be sure to get your copies pre-ordered!

My second book on the go is The Book of Stolen Dreams. I’m on a blog tour for the second book in this beautiful, powerful series, The Secret of the Blood-Red Key, this weekend, where I’ll be both sharing my review and running a giveaway for a copy on my social media platforms. All of these platforms are under the username AndOnSheReads, so if you’re interested in my thoughts *and* the possibility of a copy of your own, drop me a follow.

What are you planning on reading next?
As above, I’ll be reading The Secret of the Blood-Red Key this week. I’m also debating jumping straight into the third book in The Naturals series, All In, as it really has me gripped. I did get some amazing book post recently so I have some fabulous proofs to work my way through… so many wonderful options!

I also had a really exciting book arrive yesterday called A Magical Girl Retires, which I posted about over on my instagram if you’d like to see more details and photos. This is a relatively short read, and spins the idea of one of those magical girls we’ve all grown up seeing like Sailor Moon or Card Captor Sakura, but a woman in her 30’s, facing credit card debt and having to attend job fairs. I have high hopes for this!

Thanks for stopping by for this blog post today, and do keep in mind what I said about this weekend’s giveaway! You can search social media platforms for AndOnSheReads, or click here to head straight to my Instagram account.

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