WWW Wednesday – 29th July 2020

I’ve missed a few weeks recently for WWW Wednesday, but I’m BACK! It’s been quite a month, and rather a week for that matter. After a potentially broken ankle last Tuesday, balancing my laptop has been precarious at the best of times, and it has involved a lot of fluffy blankets, cushions and swearing to be able to type anything. At the same time we’ve also be rearranging the living room, so it’s been hard work just to try and get anything done – my craft room is off limits as we’re also rearranging my son’s bedroom, and everything is blocking entry. Not that it really matters in the grand scheme of things, but in the smaller scale of Achieving Things This Week, it’s ruled it out.

But I’ve still managed to do a bit of reading! So here we go.

WWW Wednesday, if you haven’t heard of it before, is a really simple way of getting books to be discussed using three questions:

  • What have you recently finished reading?
  • What are you currently reading?
  • What will you be reading next?

Beautifully simple. It doesn’t matter if you’ve seen this every week or this is the first time you’ve seen it, you can join in! So without further ado…

What have you recently finished reading?
I’ve been really absorbed into The Sin Eater over the last week. It was a wonderful book, one I’ve been excited to read since it was announced, and was even more excited to get as an ARC (advanced reader’s copy, if you haven’t heard the term before) from NetGalley so I could read it before it came out. IT absolutely did not disappoint; it was painfully emotional to read at points and I adored it. Based on the very mysterious, not talked about enough, tradition of Sin Eaters, this book follows the effective exile of one young girl punished by being forced to become one of these shunned women. It is so worth a read, I can’t recommend it highly enough, and I’ll be reviewing it soon.

What are you currently reading?
I am currently reading a young a young adult novel called Chelsea High which comes out next month. I was really lucky to be sent a physical ARC from Electric Monkey, who have previously published books such as A Good Girl’s Guide to Murder. It’s a curious book to read for me personally as I can relate to some aspect of the situation the main character is faced with; not the legal situation I should declare. Now I’ve got your attention haven’t I? Look this book up! My review will be up on Monday, kicking off the blog tour.

What will you be reading next?
Now THAT’S a question. I have three To Be Read lists for readathons taking place next month – look out for my blog post tomorrow with that insane number of books – but I’m also determined to get my NetGalley statistics back up after a few months of ill health. On top of that I also have a large amount of ARCs due around August and early September, so I think it’s going to be a bit of a balancing act. On top of that, I’m still craving the comfort of rereading certain books, so if someone could donate me a few extra sets of eyes, that would be GREAT.

Well there we are, that’s the last Wednesday of July covered; in a weird way this year feels like it’s spinning by in a blur of monotony, but we’re entering the eighth month of the year and it’s all just a bit bizarre. It really will be a year to write about.

New post going up tomorrow about my readathon TBRs!


  1. Great post lovely, both these books sound great, so excited to read the reviews and good luck on your August TBR, we will need to send positive-motivational vibes to each other xx


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