Why I Love To Read… Books Again!

Hello hello, and welcome or welcome back to my little bookish corner of the internet. Today I’m sharing a post in my Why I Love To Read… book series, with a little bit of a twist. Because Today I’m talking about why I love to read books for a second, third, or in some cases, tenth time.

In some of my previous posts, I’ve talked about why I loved to read certain genres, such as middle grade, historical fiction, and classics. This time though, I’m taking all of those genres, looking at some of my favourites, and talking about why I read them time and again.

There’s multiple reasons why I reread books, but the main reason is comfort. I have several books that I cling to in times of struggle, where, even if there are difficult plot points, I still take comfort in a story I know.

Part of it, I think, also comes down to being neurodiverse. Between everything that goes on with my brain function, sometimes I just need to know exactly what is going on. Routine and rhythm is hugely comforting to me, and being able to pick up a book, and know the events in order, is sometimes much easier than picking up a new book. It utterly depends on my mood and where my head is at; sometimes a new book is a perfect challenge. Sometimes it’s completely terrifying.

I also think that rereading books can bring a lot of extra knowledge. Especially if it’s a book you’ve really enjoyed, picking up the threads earlier in the story the second time around than maybe you did the first time can be a great feeling, and really adds to that sense of love around the book, and the author, if they’ve written more than one book.

I started my Second Viewings series for books that I read multiple times, for those special few that I do read often, as well as those that I’ve read for a second time after a little bit of a break. I’ve commented in these posts how I enjoy rereading, but there’s absolutely more to it than just the odd book being picked back up for me.

One of my go-to books when my mental health is wobbly is A Court of Mist and Fury. This is the second book in a series (the first one being A Court of Thorns and Roses). Sometimes I’ll start from the beginning, but often I’ll dive right in to the second book without hesitation, because it’s the journey the characters take in that book that offers me so much comfort. It’s like a balm for my soul. When I pick up that book, I know that just for a few hours, my brain will be quiet, my heart won’t hurt so much, and I can just lose myself.

Shutting out the world is one of my main reasons for reading; I’m sure it’s the case for everyone, to a degree. I read to escape, and if I can escape in ‘safety’ (ie: I know exactly what’s going to happen), then even better.

I know that for some people, they never read a book more than once. But for me, sometimes, there’s a magic to be found in the beauty of rereading. In knowing where the story is going to take you, and loving it anyway. In being completely prepared for what you’re going to read, but still feeling the thrill. In knowing whodunnit, but seeing the clues more clearly.

Reading is a sheer joy when it’s done right, and sometimes, this is very much the right decision for me.

So tell me, readers – do you reread? When you read a book once, is that it for all of them, or do a special few get more than one read? I’m genuinely curious either way!


  1. I used to reread books all the time as a kid and a teen but now I never do (unless it’s an accident—which has happened once lol). Funnily enough I, too, put this down to being neurodivergent lol! I have really severe ADHD so I already find it hard enough to quiet my brain to read a book through once, and the thought of reading it through a second time makes my brain already feel antsy hahaha! But I definitely get how it can be calming and comforting for many people and if it gives you joy far be it from me to knock it!


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