WWW Wednesday – 17th November 2021

Hello hello and welcome or welcome back to my little bookish corner of the internet. Wednesday is here again, and so it’s time to review the state of play when it comes to my reading situation… and everything else. Buckle up peeps, because we’re in for a RIDE.

If you’re following me on Twitter, you may have seen my threads with the hashtag Homeless In The UK. As of Monday, we had to move into emergancy accomodation. We were only told late on the Friday it was happening, and when the removals team turned up Monday morning, we didn’t even have the address. The short version is all three of us are now living in one room. Our son is 12. My wheelchair doesn’t fit into the room. I could go on, but all in all, it’s just really crap. I’m really grateful for all the emotional support so many have offered, especially this week. Life is chaos, so please expect there to be somewhat of a disruption to everything for a while. You can read more in detail about what we’ve been dealing with on the post by Mad Covid here.

Back on topic.

WWW Wednesday is a way of looking over your reading habits and achievements in the last week and looking onwards to the next week using three simple questions:

  • What have you recently finished reading?
  • What are you currently reading?
  • What are you planning on reading next?

What have you recently finished reading?
My most recently finished book was Sisters of the Lost Marsh, which was kindly sent my way by Chicken House. I finished it in the early hours of this morning, and it was just the perfect balm for my weary soul. Written with thought, strength and kindness, it’s one of those middle grade books that is just perfect for any age. It’s a set of siblings I won’t soon forget.

What are you currently reading?
With everything that we have going on, I’m struggling to focus on books at the moment, but I’m doing my best. However, some things never change, and I have multiple books on the go at the moment.
Audiobook-wise, I’m listening to three. Lirael, The Color of Dragons (note the American spelling as the UK spelling is a completely different book) and Charmcaster all bring different things to the table, and it depends very much on my mood what I put on.
As for physical books, now got my physical ARC of You’ll Be The Death Of Me ready for the blog tour and I’m so ready for it. I had already started it as an eARC while waiting for it to arrive, but I’m going to start it again I think just to read it in a straight run!

What are you planning on reading next?
Well, as we’re now working with a lot less space than we thought we would be, I think I’ll be reading a lot of ebooks and audiobooks! All my physical post is currently going to my parent’s address ten minutes away, so I have to be a little bit patient for any incoming books. Patience is not my strongest suit. There isn’t even room for my book trolley here (sob!) so for now I’ll be picking about five books, reading them, then switching them out with the rest at my folks.

Thanks for stopping by today, and thank you for so many of you who have offered me support and comfort over the last couple of days especially while we’ve been dealing with so much. You’re all appreciated, and hopefully usual service will be resumed soon!


  1. I’m so sorry you’re having to deal with this situation, sending you strength and hoping it will get resolved for you soon. I hope you can find comfort in some good books.


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