Top Ten Tuesday – 23rd November 2021

Hello hello and welcome or welcome back to my little bookish corner of the internet. Today I’m stepping out into wild waters, and joining the stream that runs Top Ten Tuesday! I’ve always loved reading fellow blogger’s posts when they join in with this weekly happening, and decided to give it a go myself.

The theme this week is… Characters I’d Love An Update On (Where are they now that the book is over?). I love this idea for a post and it was seeing this prompt in particular that made me decide to jump on in. There are so many characters I could pick, both from series that have concluded and ones that are ongoing but I need an update from, but I have managed to narrow it down to ten. Kind of.

#1 – Elisabeth – Sorcery of Thorns

I absolutely adored this book when I read it back in July. Elisabeth made for such a wonderful heroine, and it was also my first introduction to Margaret Rogerson’s writing as well. I think it’s quite a remarkable thing to have written a standalone fantasy novel that is so utterly consuming, but I often wonder WIEDN: What Is Elisabeth Doing Now?
Review here!

#2 – Vanja – Little Thieves

This was one of my more recent reads as part of a blog tour – here’s my post – for this retelling of the Goose Girl tale that really captured my heart. Vanja goes on a huge journey of self discovery without even meaning to during this book, but it also remains authentic, staying close to the character’s nature. I can’t wait to see more from her in the next book.

#3 – Red – For the Wolf

I know that the next Wilderwood book is coming next year, and that might be an acceptable time frame realistically, but is it an acceptable time frame for me to have more of Red in my life? Possibly not. Read my review of For the Wolf here.

#4 – Sabriel – Abhorsen #1

Sabriel is the primary character in the book of the same name, and while I’m reading the second book at the moment, and we do see Sabriel again, it isn’t in the immediate after of the book, and there’s so much that I’d like to have seen there.

#5 Magnus Bane – Shadowhunters

I haven’t linked to a specific book when it comes to Magnus, because he’s in so many of them, but it’s never enough! Magnus might be one of my favourite characters ever written in any series; he’s sassy, smart, and takes no crap from anyone. I love him dearly.

#6 – Reichis – Spellslinger

Having recently finished the second book in the Spellslinger series, Shadowblack, we got to see more of Reichis, who, if you haven’t read the books, is a Squirellcat with a nasty temper and a foul mouth. He makes me absolutely howl with laughter and I love that deep – deep – down, he has a kind heart too. I can’t wait to see more of him in the books to come.

#7 – Peter Grant – Rivers of London

I kind of reached a bit of a stalling point with the Rivers of London novels as I found they had become a bit formulaic. However, having been away from them for a little while, I’m ready to jump back in and follow Peter et all on his adventures through the magical underworld.

#8 – Sophia – Cinderella Is Dead

Every time I think about this book, I remember just how much I loved it, and wish I could read it for the first time all over again. Cinderella Is Dead is one of those books – and Sophia is one of those characters – that will stay with you. She’s a really fantastic person, and I love the dynamic she has with, well, everyone around her!

#9 – January – The Ten Thousand Doors of January

The Ten Thousand Doors of January ended perfectly, I’m not going to question that for a moment, but I would love love love to have a bonus edition which just kept on going. Possibly for another six books. Or more.

#10 – Artemisia – Vespertine

I tried to think of a book by another author, but it just goes to show what an impression Margaret Robertson’s writing has made on me that two of her characters have made it onto this list! Vespertine was an easy five star read for me, and Artemisia was just everything I could possibly want in a character.

So there we are, my first TTT post! This has been such a fun post to write, and such a great one to start me off on writing these posts. It’s really made me think about how many characters I’ve fallen in love with just in the last few months alone, as well as the ones that have stood out for longer.

Thanks for stopping by, and I’ll be back again tomorrow, as always!


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